Monthly Archives - April 2020

Worried your event will be canceled because of COVID-19? The following advice may help you

During this uncertain time, many of our favorite events, family functions and weddings are being cancelled. It is very unfortunate, especially if you are the one who was organizing the event. Although it is sad, there is still hope. Here are some tips to help you navigate these rough waves Do not stress: Stressing about your event will not help in any way. We understand that it is a very unfortunate situation, however please know that you are not alone in...


Important measures to ensure your safety during COVID-19

These are unprecedented times, but we are not helpless against this fight. Although there has yet to be a vaccine or medicine to prevent the spread of this virus, we can all do our part and help contain this pandemic. Here are some tips and tricks to stay healthy and safe during these troubling times. Wash your hands: We hear this everywhere to a point where it can start sounding downright silly. But did you know that the vast majority of...