2020 Corporate Holiday Party Ideas:

2020 Corporate Holiday Party Ideas:

We know what you are going through. It’s that time of the year where holiday parties would usually begin taking place and this year it’s a mess. With all the restrictions in place with strict guidelines to follow, it seems almost impossible to plan something for your employees to show them you appreciate everything they do. The good news is, 2020 has taught us that you do not have to go overboard to have a great time filled with wonderful memories. Can’t book a banquet hall? No problem. Can’t have a 300+ person party? No worries! There are many ways to provide employees plenty of fun during this years holiday season and give morale a giant boost.

Smaller Parties

Companies often have multiple departments and it can sometimes be hard to cater to them all together at once. This year, why not do something special for each department on a smaller scale? For example, Tuesday can be the day the sales department gets a nice lunch, followed by accounting on Wednesday. Depending on the size of your company, you could also combine the smaller departments together, but keep in mind to adhere to current public health guidelines to provide adequate social distancing. 

Throw a catered lunch/dinner

As much as we would love to join you at that fancy restaurant for dinner this year for the holidays, current restrictions prevent us from gathering together in large numbers. This does not mean that these restaurants do not offer take out and/or catering. Not only would you be able to provide everyone with a tasty meal, but also you are at ease knowing you are helping a local business survive during this tough year. It is a great opportunity for employees to bond and share a great memory together.

Create a fun atmosphere

This year, why not splurge a bit more on décor for the office? More Halloween décor, more snowflakes, more Christmas lights! Employees are coming in to the office everyday and giving them something new to see and interact with occasionally helps to deviate from the everyday norm. It never hurts to make the office feel more festive and special!

Book a live performance

Why not have a talented group of entertainers provide some fun for everyone all while maintaining social distancing? Why not have a solo musician surprise each department with a musical number to brighten up their day? The possibilities are endless. Performances can vary from musical performances, to drum and dance shows to even having holiday themed performances. In today’s climate, there are even options to have a virtual performance streamed to you. That would ensure everyone is keeping safe and secure all while being entertained. With shows and concerts at a standstill, this could be a great way to allow employees to have a taste of better days to come!

Not sure where to start? We can help!

At Bongo & B, we are proud to offer a wide range of performances that cater to everyone’s personal tastes. From musicians to magicians, to even photo booths, we have it all! We are also proud to have made many friends and connections over the years in various sectors that allow us to help facilitate recommended vendors with party planning for our clients. Should you have a specific idea in mind or are curious how we can help make this holiday season more festive, feel free to book a consultation with us and together we can make that idea into reality!

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